Spread the Hug is a Nonprofit. 100% of all proceeds from donations,
t-shirt sales and Awesome Card sales, go to spreading hugs and
transforming the world.
It is our goal to supply Seeds (Huggers) with free Awesome Cards to
gift to strangers on “the street” that share a hug. But this can get
expensive, very quickly.
Just a $10 donation enables a Seed to gift over 100 Awesome Cards into
the world. Each card instantly makes a positive impact on the recipient
and encourages a culture of kindness. If you’ve received an
Awesome Card on the street, you understand!
The proceeds are also used to fund video, photo and modest travel
expenses to spread our message. In addition, there are significant
operational expenses to keep this mission moving forward.
This is a incredibly simple idea, but it takes a little bit of money to make
an impact on a large scale.
With your support, together, we can transform the world, ONE BIG HUG,
and one act of kindness at a time.
This is my dream, if you feel inspired, please consider helping. 🙂
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